Hello and Happy New Year! My name is Julie Prior and I am the President of Minnesota State University Mankato's student chapter of AIGA. I am also Co-chair of this year's 3rd annual ByDesign conference. I would like to extend an invitation to each one of your student chapter's AIGA's to attend the ByDesign conference. The committee this year has been hard at work and is truly excited to have such wonderful speakers and workshop presenters. This year the schedule will consist of:
SPEAKERS: Pat Carney { The Carney Group}
Jenn Nienaber {Words at Work} & Kate Kjellberg {Carmichael Lynch Thorburn}
Melissa Stone + Guests {Big Brain Girl}
(Possibly John Powell)
*Special guest speaker Heather Olson, AIGA Education Director
Chank Diesel {Chank.com}
John Powell
Brad Widness
Attendees should create a poster centered around the idea of sustainability within design and "going green." The poster dimensions should be 24x36 inches and designed and sent by January 25th (we apologize for the short notice) to bydesignmankato@gmail.com The posters will be printed by us, and hung in the gallery for the conference. When the conference is over the designer will be able to take their poster home. We are also asking attendees to bring a few of their best pieces of their portfolio for the portfolio viewing. This is a great way to see where you stand amongst your peers, where your school stands, and also what kind of designs are being created around you!
We here at MSU sincerely hope you can join us at our biggest event of the year. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask! You can contact us by e-mailing: bydesignmankato@mnsu.edu or msuaiga@gmail.com You can also visit our website or Facebook group for more details at:
bydesignmankato.com (you can also get registration forms here!)
We hope to see you all there!
Julie Prior
MSU AIGA President
ByDesign Co-Chair
SPEAKERS: Pat Carney { The Carney Group}
Jenn Nienaber {Words at Work} & Kate Kjellberg {Carmichael Lynch Thorburn}
Melissa Stone + Guests {Big Brain Girl}
(Possibly John Powell)
*Special guest speaker Heather Olson, AIGA Education Director
Chank Diesel {Chank.com}
John Powell
Brad Widness
Attendees should create a poster centered around the idea of sustainability within design and "going green." The poster dimensions should be 24x36 inches and designed and sent by January 25th (we apologize for the short notice) to bydesignmankato@gmail.com The posters will be printed by us, and hung in the gallery for the conference. When the conference is over the designer will be able to take their poster home. We are also asking attendees to bring a few of their best pieces of their portfolio for the portfolio viewing. This is a great way to see where you stand amongst your peers, where your school stands, and also what kind of designs are being created around you!
We here at MSU sincerely hope you can join us at our biggest event of the year. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask! You can contact us by e-mailing: bydesignmankato@mnsu.edu or msuaiga@gmail.com You can also visit our website or Facebook group for more details at:
bydesignmankato.com (you can also get registration forms here!)
We hope to see you all there!
Julie Prior
MSU AIGA President
ByDesign Co-Chair
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