Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Internship Anyone?

I interned for Do It Green! Minnesota and it was great.
It is unpaid but they are a great bunch of people and it feels good to do something for planet.

Do It Green! Minnesota Positions & Internships Available

For more information contact: Ami Voeltz, ami@doitgreen.org or 612-345-7973

Do It Green! Minnesota (formerly The Twin Cities Green Guide) is an all volunteer, non-profit organization that publishes a comprehensive web site and annual (Do It Green! Magazine) on living green, sustainability and building healthy communities. Included in these publications is the Minnesota GREEN PAGES directory. We offer hands-on workshops and are working towards our future goal of opening a model Eco Home for tours and educational purposes.
Our Internships require a minimum of three months. They are unpaid internships and are available on a flexible schedule. These are professional positions that require commitment and a genuine interest in sustainable living. Internships provide a complete hands on experience. To be considered for an internship position, please email a resume and letter of intent to Ami Voeltz, ami@doitgreen.org. Call 612-345-7973 with questions or visit www.doitgreen.org.
* Web Programmer/Designer
Hours will range from 10-15 hours/week. This position will take the lead in continuing to reformat our web site and prepare for the launch this January using Drupal. Some familiarity with Drupal would be helpful, but not required. Training will be provided. Visit www.doitgreen.org to view our current site and www.doitgreenhaus.org to view our site in the works. Experience in PHP, HTML, CSS, and SQL required. Please submit a letter of intent and resume by December 7th,, 2007. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.